Inspired by their early 1900’s Craftsman home in Madison WI, this Craftsman kitchen remodel carries the character and detailing over from the rest of the home.
With this craftsman kitchen remodel, we managed to change the functionality of the space–storage, flow, and work space–without adding an addition. The homeowners now have the Craftsman kitchen they’ve always wanted.


Craftsmanship Shown in Craftsman Trim

This home had unique trim designs that we had never seen before. In order to continue the beautiful woodwork through the newly updated kitchen, we had to order new mill work and match the stain to the existing trim in adjacent rooms. With hours of working on it, we managed to duplicate the trim.
Our highly-skilled woodworker paid close attention to detail as he finished off the beautiful base boards and window trim. The homeowners now enjoy their window sills as a place to display some of their mementos.



Storage Solution

Pull-out Spice Rack

Space Saving, Energy Saving
We added a great amount of storage space by replacing an unused counter top area and wall cabinets with full height pantries. The pantries are located along the main pathway to the back door. Due to their twelve inch depth, the pantries create a better traffic flow.


A wall mounted radiator that doubles as a coat rack is another space saving idea we used! Who wouldn’t enjoy warm coats in these Wisconsin winters? Now the radiator is away from the window where it was previously interrupting counter top space.

With all of the energy-saving products the home owners had installed, they earned a rebate through Energy Star for $750.


In addition to their craftsman kitchen remodel, the homeowners remodeled the small bathroom located behind the kitchen. Check out our post Small Bathroom Turned Spacious to see how it turned out!
Since completion of their kitchen and bathroom remodel, the homeowners also tackled the 3-season porch on the front of their home. We completed the new sun room in April 2017. The result was a NARI CoTY Award winning space! We also featured this beautiful home on the NARI Tour of Remodeled Homes in the spring of 2017. To read about their new sun room, check out our post Craftsman Sunroom- NARI Coty Award Winner.
To see more project photos, visit our Craftsman Style Kitchens page.